Cupcakes, Coffee, and my other favorite things

Cupcakes, Coffee, and my other favorite things

Monday, June 25, 2012

10 cool things I've learned since graduating

1. You can in fact meet nice people at auditions. I met one of my newest, closest friends at an audition!

2. I am able to pick up a full moustrap without crying/vomiting/screaming.

3. Phantom of the Opera is a really beautiful musical.

4. Yum Yum Bankok Queens DELIVERS!!!!!!!

5. Long distance relationships can work

6. I'm a stronger person than I ever have given myself credit for

7. It is possible to walk around for 12 hours with a bag that weighs 30 LBS.

8. What I love to do is incredibly rewarding and I'm so happy that I chose this profession

9. I am incredibly to lucky to have such a fantastic support system cause a lot of people don't have them.

10. Sephora is addicting.